Friday, May 31, 2013


So today I will be sharing my much loved concealer/foundation which I've been using for 3 yrs. now. Thanks so much to my college friends who introduced this amazing product to me :) Thanks so much Jeff!! As you can see on the pic below how much i love this concealer/foundi. I use it every single day and look I'm almost out and you can barely see the print and label on the sides :)) 

As you can see on the pic that's hard proof evidence how much I love this and use it :) I got this from Ayala beauty department, they have a small stand there full of F21 cosmetics :) This costs 195 pesos and it would last you for a long time. Since I was almost running out of this amazing product I had to go and get myself a new one!! 
Look how new and shiny it is and you can see the labels clearly :) This product  has a full to medium coverage. This covers up my red patches and red spots really well. i only need a bit of this to cover up my redness. I love applying this with my fingers, since you get a more even and natural coverage. But if I'm out and i need to retouch i just stipple my brush on the foundi/concealer and apply it on the areas where I need coverage. This stick also contains tea tree oil which soothes redness. This product doesn't break me out unlike other foundations and concealers. 
I twisted it up a bit so that you can see the product in the stick :) I didn't twist it all the way up to be safe that it won't break :)) haha. It looks dark on the stick but when applied its much lighter. I have a light skin-tone with yellowish undertones and I got the shade in MILK TEA which is perfect for me. I love the sent of this because it doesn't have that harsh cosmetic scent like other foundi/concealers. It has a light clean tea tree scent to it which I love and it doesn't linger on your face so no worries. Every morning I do my skincare routine then apply sunscreen after that I go ahead and apply this stick foundi/concealer to the areas that need coverage. Then I set it with my loose powder and that's it I'm all set. Below is a picture of me without(LEFT) this stick foundi/conc. and with(RIGHT). 

Thursday, May 30, 2013


This is my first ever blog post review :) I have always wanted to review and share the beauty products I have used and tested but never had time to do it till now!! :) Finally I will be able to post and share .hahaha. So here goes:

So this is how NIVEA BABY SMOOTHY CREAM - HYPOALLERGENIC looks like. Its in a tub and contains 200ml. I've been using this for a year now so I'm sure I can give you a great and informative review on this product. I absolutely love this moisturizer for face and body (night time use). This is my second tub already. I purchased mine at Ayala Watson's and it costs around 160+ pesos its super affordable and it would last you for a long time. The date of expiration is also noted at the side of the tub which is super helpful.
Opening the tub and viola this is how the cream looks like inside, when you purchase this its sealed and what I love about this, when you open the seal the product is super full . We all need moisturizer whether you have oily skin or dry skin its super duper important to moisturize!!!.I have combination skin so I  tend to get oily around the T zone area.  I love using this at night after I've applied my HG toner (shall be sharing my hg toner soon :D). A little of this goes a long way I get a pea sized amount and rub it on my palms, then i pat it all over my face. Feels oooo so good :) But for those with dry skin you can apply more its really up to you and you guys can use this morning and night. But for those oily or combination this is perfect for night time use.

For those who don't want to keep sticking their fingers into the tub here's a tip :) I bought this little pump container from metro ayala beauty department. It was on sale that time and cost 10 pesos but original price is around 25+ pesos. You can transfer some of the moisturizer into the pump bottle and if you ran out just refill the tiny bottle again. Super convenient when travelling because you don't need to stick your fingers in the tub. You simply get your lil bottle and pump some on your hand! :) 
This moisturizer is best for all skin types since its very mild!! :) ohh yeah it also has a baby clean scent to it which I love, you'll smell like a baby but it doesn't linger. Some may love the scent some may don't. This cream is really hydrating and skin absorbs it fast so it doesn't feel sticky :) This cream also contains CALENDULA which soothes skin irritations!! I tell you this works after I've used a scrub for my face, you know its natural that after scrub your skin gets a bit red which is normal. I apply this cream and it really soothes my skin in the morning my skin is flawless no ugly red patches

So that's it for my first ever review :) How did I go so far? Hoping that my review was super helpful for you guys :) Shall be posting more soon. For questions and suggestions or anything please email me at I almost always check my email :D