Friday, May 31, 2013


So today I will be sharing my much loved concealer/foundation which I've been using for 3 yrs. now. Thanks so much to my college friends who introduced this amazing product to me :) Thanks so much Jeff!! As you can see on the pic below how much i love this concealer/foundi. I use it every single day and look I'm almost out and you can barely see the print and label on the sides :)) 

As you can see on the pic that's hard proof evidence how much I love this and use it :) I got this from Ayala beauty department, they have a small stand there full of F21 cosmetics :) This costs 195 pesos and it would last you for a long time. Since I was almost running out of this amazing product I had to go and get myself a new one!! 
Look how new and shiny it is and you can see the labels clearly :) This product  has a full to medium coverage. This covers up my red patches and red spots really well. i only need a bit of this to cover up my redness. I love applying this with my fingers, since you get a more even and natural coverage. But if I'm out and i need to retouch i just stipple my brush on the foundi/concealer and apply it on the areas where I need coverage. This stick also contains tea tree oil which soothes redness. This product doesn't break me out unlike other foundations and concealers. 
I twisted it up a bit so that you can see the product in the stick :) I didn't twist it all the way up to be safe that it won't break :)) haha. It looks dark on the stick but when applied its much lighter. I have a light skin-tone with yellowish undertones and I got the shade in MILK TEA which is perfect for me. I love the sent of this because it doesn't have that harsh cosmetic scent like other foundi/concealers. It has a light clean tea tree scent to it which I love and it doesn't linger on your face so no worries. Every morning I do my skincare routine then apply sunscreen after that I go ahead and apply this stick foundi/concealer to the areas that need coverage. Then I set it with my loose powder and that's it I'm all set. Below is a picture of me without(LEFT) this stick foundi/conc. and with(RIGHT). 


  1. Wow! It did an amazing job hiding your blemishes :)
    ~Pauline @Kallony

  2. Is this good for light blemishes? What do you think? I have fair skin and suffered from on and off mild acne.. It has healed now but I have few very light blemishes and one small dark one.. Just wondering if this will help cover it up. I'm currently using San San HD Concealer the natural shade which I find too light and doesn't do the job of concealing them. I'm not a pro in doing make up.

  3. Is this good for light blemishes? What do you think? I have fair skin and suffered from on and off mild acne.. It has healed now but I have few very light blemishes and one small dark one.. Just wondering if this will help cover it up. I'm currently using San San HD Concealer the natural shade which I find too light and doesn't do the job of concealing them. I'm not a pro in doing make up.
