Sunday, June 2, 2013


Another loved product I'm going to share to you guys is my QUEEN HELENE MINT JULEP MASQUE face mask. 
As you can see there isn't much left, I've been using this for 2 yrs. already and now I'm almost out. Before I tend to use this every night :))hahahha. but now that my skin has improved alot I use this just every other night :) I know that on the directions it says to leave it on for 15 mins but I leave it on overnight  because I used to have really oily skin and this has really helped me so much with oil control in the morning. It also helped to get rid of dirt deep down pores and shrinks down enlarged pores.
So here's a pic of it opened, mine's a weeee bit messy :)) hahaha. This mask is quite thick in consistency. Its kinda hard to get it out of the tube but when you get the hang of it, it gets easier :). That's not such a big problem as long as the product works great!! I got mine from HEALTHY OPTIONS at ayala terraces branch. It costs around 300+ pesos super affordable and it will last you for years. 
I squeezed some of the product on my finger so that you get to see how it looks like. Its a light green mask and I also apply this much product to the areas of my face that needs oil control, pore shrinking, and deep cleaning :)
I apply this at night after I've cleansed my face. Leave it on over night for those who have oily skin and for those with dry skin leave it on for 15 min. and rinse off. This really helps to dry up pimples and get rid of dirt deep down

So here I am with my mint julep mask on :)) hahahah. I know i look funny but I wanted to show you guys how I apply it on my face :) Hoping this review was super helpful. More reviews to come 

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